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Breaking news about 8 new World Heritage sights confirms how intensely nationalistic we are still by the universal failure to mention sites other than our own. The Age, the Herald Sun, ABC On Line, the Brisbane Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, the Adelaide Advertiser all crow about the Opera House achieving the accolade, praise John Utzon the architect and mention the global icons (the Pyramids, etc etc) and other Australian sites already on the list.

But I had to go to the Phillipine Star to discover the other sites who had got up. From the built environment welcome Japan's Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine site on the southwest of Honshu Island in Japan .Then there is the Parthian Fortresses of Nisa in Turkmenistan; Samarra City in Iraq from the 9th century; and the mixed cultural site from Lope-Okanda in Gabon.

Last but not least that wonderful citadel, Shah Jahan's Red Fort in Delhi, built for the great Mogul 'King of the World' who had built the Taj Mahal over the tomb of his wife, Mumtaz.
Google Earth and Google Maps are delivering cartography tools to the masses, and helping to cultivate a market for sophisticated and exploratory uses of the geoweb. That's cool - but how much of your loungeroom do you want mapped?  . . read more
Trailer for the Transformers movie which opens in Australian cinemas today, featuring Doomsday Clock, a new song from the Smashing Pumpkins.

The new British Prime Minister Gordon Brown arrives at 10 Downing Street and gives his first speech in the top job, saying he feels greatly privileged to be granted "this great opportunity". . . read more
Noam Chomsky, one of the world's most respected intellectuals, talks about the 'war on terror', the reaction of the United States to 9/11 and why the U.S. is in danger of becoming a failed state. . . read more
Impress friends and relatives who haven't seen you for years by putting your photos on a Photoshop diet! . . read more
Several mysterious 'prison' camps have been built in the USA by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency), supposedly to cope with natural disasters. So why all the barbed wire and high security? . . read more
Stephen Colbert talks to Vincent Bugliosi, author of Reclaiming History, who argues that there is no conspiracy associated with President John F. Kennedy's assassination. . . read more
Leaders around the world are stirring up fear of a clash of civilizations between Islam and 'the West' but the problem is not cultural, its political. The clash is over, if you want it. . . read more
Here she comes — rocking your ears and sending you crosseyed. . . read more
NASA administrator Mike Griffin addresses an audience at Google, outlining the American space program, and NASA's role in the rising commercialization of space. . . read more
One of Tony Blair's last acts as British Prime Minister was holding this press conference with the Governator of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, to discuss tackling climate change. . . read more
The latest music video from UK sensation Amy Winehouse, Tears Dry on Their Own, directed by David La Chapelle and shot on Hollywood Blvd in Los Angeles. . . read more
Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy      homepageDAILY EXCLUSIVE

LES JOHNSON, former Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in the Whitlam Labor Government, believes Prime Minister John Howard must respond to suggestions that his decision to deal with Aboriginal child molestation has been motivated by the desire to exploit this emotive and sensitive matter to secure political advantage. . . read more

Reshuffling the Deck Chairs on the National Review cruise He’s smart, funny and lefty. And he’s on a bright-white cruise ship with two restaurants, five bars, and 500 readers of National Review, the Republican bible. . . read more
Imminent Crises: Threats and Opportunities Alarm bells are sounding — we face literal threats to human survival. Nuclear war, environmental disaster, and the enormous concentration of power in the west are all of great concern, as Noam Chomsky explains. . . read more
This Planet Ain't Big Enough for 6,500,000,000 Behind the climate crisis lies a global issue that no one wants to tackle: do we need radical plans to reduce the world's population? . . read more
Computer Says No What's more important, the quality of a decision or who makes it? This is an academic question for most people, but what about the day when machines take over from people in matters of life and death? . . read more
Rich nations accused of 'green imperialism' Asian business and government leaders have accused rich countries of being hypocritical in criticising China's greenhouse gas emissions while using the country's cheap labor in industries that pollute.  . . read more
Out of This World: 60 Years of Flying Saucers The term "flying saucer" was coined 60 years ago, when salesman and pilot Kenneth Arnold reported seeing nine objects flying in a V formation over Mount Rainier, Washington. . . read more
Inside China's Vast Factories Toronto photographer Edward Burtynsky is internationally acclaimed for his large-scale photographs of nature transformed by industry.  . . read more
US Supreme Court Limits Free Speech In what will surely become known as the Bong Hits For Jesus decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that high school students do not have the right to free speech when it can be interpreted as advocating drug use. . . read more
The Future of Space Something for the sci-fi fans out there - especially the one that are really 'out there'. . . read more
10 Years Is All The Time We've Got That's the refrain coming from James Hansen, Director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, who was the first scientist to warn the U.S. Congress about global warming. . . read more
Pom Pom girls fall over There's just something very funny about people falling over. . . read more
Carol K Brown Standing in isolation . . read more
The Koori History Website A must for students of Australian history . . read more
SPEKS international Welcome to SPEKS international. They are hella smooth. . . read more
Food for Fort – From 'The Outsider' Breaking news about 8 new World Heritage sights confirms how intensely nationalistic we are still by the universal failure to mention sites other than our own. The Age, the Herald Sun, ABC On Line, the Brisbane Times, The Sydney Morning Herald, the Adelaide Advertiser all crow about the Opera House achieving the accolade, praise John Utzon the architect and mention the global icons (the Pyramids, etc etc) and other Australian sites already on the list.

But I had to go to the Phillipine Star to discover the other sites who had got up. From the built environment welcome Japan's Iwami Ginzan Silver Mine site on the southwest of Honshu Island in Japan .Then there is the Parthian Fortresses of Nisa in Turkmenistan; Samarra City in Iraq from the 9th century; and the mixed cultural site from Lope-Okanda in Gabon.

Last but not least that wonderful citadel, Shah Jahan's Red Fort in Delhi, built for the great Mogul 'King of the World' who had built the Taj Mahal over the tomb of his wife, Mumtaz.
 . . read more
Reshuffling the Deck Chairs on the National Review cruise He’s smart, funny and lefty. And he’s on a bright-white cruise ship with two restaurants, five bars, and 500 readers of National Review, the Republican bible. . . read more
Imminent Crises: Threats and Opportunities Alarm bells are sounding — we face literal threats to human survival. Nuclear war, environmental disaster, and the enormous concentration of power in the west are all of great concern, as Noam Chomsky explains. . . read more
Kremlin lays claim to huge chunk of oil-rich North Pole When it comes to oil and gas, it's all location, location, location. . . read more
What is God's religion? If God had a faith, what would it be? . . read more
Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy      homepageDAILY EXCLUSIVE

LES JOHNSON, former Minister for Aboriginal Affairs in the Whitlam Labor Government, believes Prime Minister John Howard must respond to suggestions that his decision to deal with Aboriginal child molestation has been motivated by the desire to exploit this emotive and sensitive matter to secure political advantage. . . read more

Online Maps - Really Going Places Google Earth and Google Maps are delivering cartography tools to the masses, and helping to cultivate a market for sophisticated and exploratory uses of the geoweb. That's cool - but how much of your loungeroom do you want mapped? . . read more
US Supreme Court Limits Free Speech In what will surely become known as the Bong Hits For Jesus decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled 5-4 that high school students do not have the right to free speech when it can be interpreted as advocating drug use. . . read more
Imminent Crises: Threats and Opportunities Alarm bells are sounding — we face literal threats to human survival. Nuclear war, environmental disaster, and the enormous concentration of power in the west are all of great concern, as Noam Chomsky explains. . . read more
Darth is Back Someone out there is still feeling the force... . . read more
Noam Chomsky on War and Terror Noam Chomsky, one of the world's most respected intellectuals, talks about the 'war on terror', the reaction of the United States to 9/11 and why the U.S. is in danger of becoming a failed state. . . read more
Obsessive Hand Drawings In this way Chris Dent explores the city . . read more
Face Your Pockets Reveal the hidden you . . read more
People Really Love Drugs On the movie screen, at least. Film maker GABRIEL DOWRICK believes Hollywood is fighting back in the 'war on drugs' by creating comical stoners and sympathetic drug users. . . read more


26 jun 04:27pm

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Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy

Of course, this new policy is a reaction to a problem that has been around for a long time. It can be seen as a great vote-catcher and has been well-written, well-delivered and carefully choreographed to appeal to the social conscience of well-meaning Australians. I hope that the Australians who most need the help of the politicians and policies of our country are not ignored in the race for parliamentary seats for the "I'm the best!" contestants for adolescent behaviour - Robin Crowley


Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy

I fully support the statements by the former minister for aboriginal affairs in the Whitlam government. There were many positive directions for education and self determination which have been reversed by the Howard government. e.g ATSIC, University training for Aboriginal nurses and the threat of nuclear waste being deposited on Aboriginal land - Hazel Wilson


Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy

We were very impressed with this article written by Les Johnson. It made a lot of sense and seems a much better approach to improve the lives of our aboriginal people, which is so long overdue - Rob Eldridge and Tom Shenfield Byron Bay NSW


Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy

Thanks for the insight from an old hand. It reminds us that things just go around in circles and Howard is thrilled to be invading the failed state of the outback, on the grounds he is eradicating self destructive weapons of mass destructions, designed & pushed by western entrepreneurs. A tragedy disguised as a mission of mercy - Verity


If you hit the 'Panic' button something more unexpected should happen! Generally I like the idea and the design of the page... but sorry, where's the 'Fashion' button?! - Marc


Re: People Really Love Drugs

Great article! Really enjoyed the Scarface breakdown and the insights into Pauly Shore's amazing career ;-7 - 4WT


Re: Strings Attached

Loved this satirical piece. Pissed myself over Uncle Tom Pierson and Bral Mough's new paternalism being branded "radicalism". But why stop with the "Blackfellas" - all dole bludgers should be fined when they hit the piss or when their kids truant. Maybe we should bring back the lash. . . - Peter Greenland


Re: Jesus Loves Torture Porn

That's a great article! I like your website mysterious homepageDAILY people. Keep up the good werk - 'Sideshow' Bob Roberts

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