26 jun 04:27pm
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Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy
Of course, this new policy is a reaction to a problem that has been around for a long time. It can be seen as a great vote-catcher and has been well-written, well-delivered and carefully choreographed to appeal to the social conscience of well-meaning Australians. I hope that the Australians who most need the help of the politicians and policies of our country are not ignored in the race for parliamentary seats for the "I'm the best!" contestants for adolescent behaviour - Robin Crowley
Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy
I fully support the statements by the former minister for aboriginal affairs in the Whitlam government. There were many positive directions for education and self determination which have been reversed by the Howard government. e.g ATSIC, University training for Aboriginal nurses and the threat of nuclear waste being deposited on Aboriginal land - Hazel Wilson
Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy
We were very impressed with this article written by Les Johnson. It made a lot of sense and seems a much better approach to improve the lives of our aboriginal people, which is so long overdue - Rob Eldridge and Tom Shenfield Byron Bay NSW
Re: Howard Challenged on Aboriginal Policy
Thanks for the insight from an old hand. It reminds us that things just go around in circles and Howard is thrilled to be invading the failed state of the outback, on the grounds he is eradicating self destructive weapons of mass destructions, designed & pushed by western entrepreneurs. A tragedy disguised as a mission of mercy - Verity
If you hit the 'Panic' button something more unexpected should happen! Generally I like the idea and the design of the page... but sorry, where's the 'Fashion' button?! - Marc
Re: People Really Love Drugs
Great article! Really enjoyed the Scarface breakdown and the insights into Pauly Shore's amazing career ;-7 - 4WT
Re: Strings Attached
Loved this satirical piece. Pissed myself over Uncle Tom Pierson and Bral Mough's new paternalism being branded "radicalism". But why stop with the "Blackfellas" - all dole bludgers should be fined when they hit the piss or when their kids truant. Maybe we should bring back the lash. . . - Peter Greenland
Re: Jesus Loves Torture Porn
That's a great article! I like your website mysterious homepageDAILY people. Keep up the good werk - 'Sideshow' Bob Roberts