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Too Late To Stop Now   Print this page

RICHARD NEVILLE contemplates HomepageDAILY's reason for being.


Another website. Why? Because everything seems to be coming together and falling apart simultaneously. The world is poised between catastrophe and re-birth. While millions of citizens are aware we are shifting from the industrial era to the age of ecology, transparency and creativity, our politicians cling to an imperial paradigm, focused on resource wars, growth-at-all-costs and Biblical fairy tales.

These could have been glory days for the mainstream media. What if they had pursued the war criminals in high office, or campaigned against cluster bombs, renditions, or torture? But no, they chose to embed themselves with the perpetrators, leaving Amnesty, Seymour Hersh and the blogs to flush out the facts.

Sometimes the media are the perpetrators. During Israel's vicious air strikes on Lebanon last July, depicted by an editorialist in Murdoch's The Australian as "doing Lebanon a favour", another Murdoch editor, William Kristol, was mounting a campaign for a "military strike against Iranian nuclear facilities. Why wait?" Another member of the News Corp axis, Norman Podhoretz, has just said "there is no alternative to military action" against Iran. Rupert's record on climate change was equally foul, until the U-turn.


What you see here is illegal; a rendition in action. Has such an image ever appeared in your daily newspaper?


On the positive side, such failures have served to multiply the range of alternative voices. There is no going back. A million tongues wagging on the web, a million eyes glued to incriminating videos. Cyberspace is both a tower of Babel, as well an extensive network of truth telling at the speed of light. Essentially, this is a digital version of Indra's net, stretching indefinitely in all directions, which "speaks to the hidden interconnectedness and interdependency of everything and everyone in the universe." It is the future.

How scary and thrilling to be living in a time when the ancient insight that "everything is connected" is percolating into the mainstream. Perhaps we are in the throes of a global mind shift. We are what we think. Waste equals food. The true role of business is doing good. Information is free. Fair trade. Micro lending. Salary caps. Open source. Life after fossil fuels... On and on it goes,  the overdue blooming of a post-modern mental ecology that is vital to restoring planetary health and humanity's sanity.  The Old Guard is still locked in the fortress turning back clocks (as I write, the US is trying to derail and censor a climate change summit), but few people are fooled. It's too late to stop now.


Some say the future will be a Long Emergency, while others foresee a Long Boom. Isn't it likely to be both? Arms dealers in gold plated Lear jets serving Bollinger to presidents, while the rest of us dirty our hands in the backyard vegie patch. Social injustice is escalating so rapidly, that when the Australian Prime Minister, John Howard, was asked how he felt about bank execs getting an annual bonus of $30 million, his tongue turned to lead. "It's a lot of money", he said, several times, "a lot of money, you bet". The interviewer wanted more, and got this: "But I'm still a great believer in the capitalist system". Thanks John, that's helpful. End of discussion. Like my laptop, the Australian nation is quick to revert to sleep mode.

You can't blame us, really. Signs of Alzheimer's are leeching into the national psyche, boosted by Government spoon feeding of lies, platitudes  and fear mongering, three times a day after meals. Everyone is supposed to sleep soundly on Howard's watch, as the US airforce continues its pounding of mud villages in Afghanistan and the urban zones of Iraq, while of course "regretting" the escalating deaths of women and children. Zzzzzzzz.

Next morning the news will lead with the latest statistics on "soft tissue injuries" among football players.  Sometimes an NGO such as Amnesty will publish a report that accuses the PM of ignoring human rights and treating asylum seekers like shit, but nothing will change. In fact, it could win him votes. On with the show. Look, another pirate movie. Let's dress up. Oh, that sounds a bit sour. We all need to escape from time to time, and who hasn't got a soft spot for pirates? At least they're honest about their dishonesty.

So why did I throw my lot in with HomepageDAILY? Certainly not to win recruits to my way of thinking (warning: a bad career move). In fact, I'm looking forward to being shocked and illuminated by views expressed on this site that are contrary to mine.

Part of this project is to facilitate a mental escape from Fortress Oz.  As we pick up steam, visitors are invited to play a part in shaping the news, offering ideas and evaluating key issues of the future unbounded by National borders. A globalised world requires a globalised  consciousness. 

The perils ahead are breathtaking, but so is the surge of creativity and social awareness among people not blinkered by a need to woo voters or to win fortunes. Fundamentalism of any kind, be it market, Marxist or military, is a curse upon the world. No God higher than truth. Our aim is to be upstream from the mainstream, and you are welcome aboard.

Richard Neville, co-publisher, HPD

indras net

NOTE: "In Indra's net hang the jewels, glittering like stars of the first magnitude....if we now arbitrarily select one of these jewels for inspection and look closely at it, we will discover that in its polished surface there are reflected all the other jewels in the net, infinite in number. Not only that, but each of the jewels reflected in this one jewel is also reflecting all the other jewels, so that the process of reflection is infinite"





18 jun 09:19pm

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Leave Feedback here


Re: Strings Attached

Loved this satirical piece. Pissed myself over Uncle Tom Pierson and Bral Mough's new paternalism being branded "radicalism". But why stop with the "Blackfellas" - all dole bludgers should be fined when they hit the piss or when their kids truant. Maybe we should bring back the lash. . . - Peter Greenland


Re: Jesus Loves Torture Porn

That's a great article! I like your website mysterious homepageDAILY people. Keep up the good werk - 'Sideshow' Bob Roberts


Re: Shut Up and Sing

If Gen Xers didn't care about the Dixie Chicks that's probably because we thought their music was crappy soft country/rock which appealed to right-wing Bible Belt American boomers - like Keith Urban who nobody in Australia would have pissed on if he was on fire until he hooked up with Nicole Kidman. And if you're going to anger your Republican voting evangelical Christian record buying audience (which was the Dixie's market pre-backlash) with an anti-Bush rant then you reap what you sow.

The fact that a few US radio stations banned their music should be worn as a badge of honour and they've sold millions of records and won loads of awards since becoming 'political', so what's their whinge? Oh what - their multi-million selling hit single is the whinge. It still sounds like the same old crap Dixie Chicks to me, but now they've got lefties as an audience rather than right-wingers. Can we move on now? I haven't seen the doco by the way, but what do you expect, I'm a dumb apathetic Gen Xer - Slacka, Sydney


Re: Shut Up and Sing

Oy! Lighten up on the boomers, buddy! I think you will find that it's largely boomers who carry the flag against censorship and are more liberal than your "modern" Gen X/Y conservatives. All the boomers I know were outraged (but not surprised) by the treatment the Chicks got - Roger


Re: Fess Up, Feds!

It appears that the Foreign Minister of Australia, Alexander Downer, as well as the Federal Attorney General, Philip Ruddock and his Secretary, Robert Cornwall, and others, have repeatedly made statements they knew to be false relating to a series of criminal acts allegedly committed against Australian citizen, Mamdouh Habib. These official statements served to cover up the brutal crimes allegedly committed against Habib, widely supported by investigators, and had the effect of impeding a proper Australia Federal Police investigation.

Hindering an investigation is itself unlawful and could well be the basis of a prima facie case against the above mentioned office holders. The crimes alleged against Habib include kidnap on foreign soil, beating, drugging, binding and transportation across international borders, for the purpose of false imprisonment and the infliction of torture. A blood thirsty account is contained in the transcript of the ABC's Four Corners, June 11, available here - Stephen R, Melbourne        

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