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Can I get HomepageDAILY on my mobile? I'm getting a new Nokia N95 and want to watch the vids on my phone while bored out of my mind on the train every morning - Commuta, Sydney [Yes, you'll be able to see HPD headlines and text on any mobile which accesses the internet but to see videos you will need a new mobile with Flash software installed. A Nokia N95 should do nicely]
Re: Sylvester Stallone's Cobra and Attitudes to '80s Crime Policy
Great article Gabe! You neglected to mention that "Night Slasher" is played by the unforgettable yet highly-unlikely named Brian Thompson who has been in a host of amazing roles, including the "Alien Bounty Hunter" in X-Files and "Punk" in original Terminator - Cameron Reilly CEO, The Podcast Network